Technical Library
Welcome to the EFINEA Technical Library – A comprehensive, growing collection of informative and instructive data on the specialty metals and alloys we supply.
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Data Sheets
Download or print the EFINEA Data Sheets as your resource. Data sheets contain the typical mechanical, physical, chemistry values along with select scientific property data for the metals and alloys we supply.
Controlled Expansion Alloys
Alloy 42
Alloy 46
Alloy 48
Alloy 52
Kovar® ASTM F15 Alloy
Free-Cut Invar®
Super Invar 32-5
Electrical | Electronic Nickel 200
Electrical | Electronic Nickel 201
Electrical | Electronic Nickel 205
Electrical | Electronic Nickel 233
Electrical | Electronic Nickel 270
Refractory Alloys & Metals
Molybdenum Lanthanum Oxide
Molybdenum TZM
Tungsten Alloys
Soft Magnetic Alloys
EFINEA Alloy 50
EFINEA Alloy 79
Hiperco 50
Hiperco 50A
Hiperco 50 HS
Core Iron (VIM VAR)
Download annealing and machining guides as a resource from EFINEA
Ferromagnetic Annealing Guides
Ferromagnetic Annealing EFINEA Alloy 50
Ferromagnetic Annealing EFINEA Alloy 79
Ferromagnetic Annealing Hiperco 50, 50A & 50 HS
Ferromagnetic Annealing Core Iron (VIM VAR)
Machining Guides
Guide to Machining Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloys
Guide to Machining Nickel-Iron Alloys
Guide to Machining Soft Magnetic Alloys
Guide to Machining Tungsten Alloys
Guide to Machining Nickel-Iron Alloys, Molybdenum & Molybdenum Alloys, Tungsten Alloys and Soft Magnetic Alloys
Technical Literature
A comprehensive compilation of articles and reference materials archived through the years on the metals and alloys stocked at EFINEA
A to K
A Survey of Theories of Invar®
Data Sheets on Sealing Alloys Assorted
Dynamic Mismatch Between Bonded Dissimilar Materials
Electronic Thermal Management Using Copper Coated Graphite Fibers
Expansion Properties of Low Expansion Fe Ni Co Alloys
Fluxless Soldering
From Technology to the Science of Glass-Metal and Ceramic-Metal Sealing
Gas Evolution from Plated Lids
Glass Sealing Alloys Carpenter Technical Brochure
Glass to Metals Seals
Guillaume Lecture Invar®
Heat Sinks
How to Select the Proper Alloy
Invar® and Elinvar Type Alloys
Joining Kovar® Alloy to Other Metal Brazing, Welding and Soldering
Kovar® Recent Developments in Cleaning Carborundum
Kovar® “A” From Alloy Digest
Kovar® Glass Sealing Procedures Carborundum
Kovar® Low Temperature Characteristics Carborundum
Kovar® Machining of Kovar Alloy Carborundum
Kovar® Product Brochure Carborundum
Kovar® Welding Carborundum
Kovar® Cleaning of Oxidized Alloy
Kovar® Conversion Factors
Kovar® Expansion Curve
Low Stress High Reliablity Lids for Semiconductor Packages
M to Z
Magnetic Shielding Handbook Westinhouse
Magnifer® 50
Magnifer® 7904
Materials in Electronic Manufacturing Electronic Packaging
Package Reliability as Affected by Material and Processes
Patent Glass to Metal Seal
Primer on Hermetic Sealing for Connectors
Sealing Glasses Materials Business
Super Invar Patent
Temperature Thermal Expansion and Magnetorestriction of Kovar®
The Printed Circuit Board Industry and Innovations for the 1990s
The Properties of Suitable Metals
The Structural Integrity of Injection Molded ASTM F15 Alloy
The Use of Fe-29 NI-17 CO Alloy
Thermal Expansion of Kovar® Ceramvar Seals of These Materials to Alumina
US Patent Alloy Ceramic Seals
Westinghouse Conversion Facilities